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Link to the original article: ADAPTING TO ENDURE

From May 16–June 3, 2022 we hosted a series of sessions for our founders to help them navigate the current market conditions and emerge as strong, enduring companies. We are now sharing these presentations as a digital toolkit for the broader startup community.

We believe the current market environment is a Crucible Moment that will provide challenges but also opportunities for all of you. Many legendary companies are forged during challenging environments as competition thins, real businesses get built and the opportunity for innovation is seized by those who see it.

We shared this presentation with Sequoia founders in May, and are now sharing it publicly with the wider startup community. Whether you are a CEO, operator or an aspiring founder pondering what it will take to build a successful company in a rapidly changing business climate, we hope this will prove a useful toolkit. No matter your role, the key to thriving in the next period is confronting reality, and acting decisively to adapt.

Download the full presentation here

This is a follow-up to our Adapting to Endure conversation. In this session, we dove into how forecasting and scenario planning come into play when the world around you is changing rapidly, as it is at the moment. It is not intended to give a comprehensive overview of forecasting and scenario planning, but rather, to help you modulate to the current environment.

Download the full presentation here

This is a breakout following our main Adapting to Endure session about operating in uncertain times. In this session, we discussed how to think about your runway and understand what you may need in the current environment, how to break down your runway into component parts, and the tactics involved in extending it.

Download the full presentation here

This final breakout conversation following our main Adapting to Endure session focuses on leading teams in uncertain times. The presentation consists of a section on business leadership principles, and one on communication principles. It’s based on our own experiences and observations, but it aims to provide general frameworks that will be useful in all kinds of business environments.

Download the full presentation here

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