The Informatics Innovation Center i2c invites you to a talk on “Creating A Sustainable Technology Ecosystem – Let Entrepreneurship Flourish” within our Distinguished Speaker Series. This time, our international guest speaker is Mr. Ivan Nikkho, the managing Director of Siemer& Associates from California, USA. Drawing on his over thirty years of global experience in running tech companies, venture capital investing, and his role in taking companies through multi stage investments to exit, Ivan Nikkhoo will be discussing what it takes to create a sustainable digital ecosystem. Ivan is actively involved with a number of accelerators, incubators, and ecosystems across the globe, and he will describe the essential ingredients that a digital ecosystem must have for long term success. As part of this journey he will discuss what it takes to stimulate debate on where action needs to happen in creating such clusters.
This event is offered by the TU Wien Informatics Innovation Center i2c and the Faculty of Informatics. All interested individuals are very welcome to join the talk and the get2gether afterwards.