
Big Tech’s Playbook: Where Facebook, Amazon, Microsoft, Google, and Apple are investing & acquiring — and what it signals about the future

Big tech giants — Facebook, Amazon, Microsoft, Google, and Apple (FAMGA) — achieved record growth over the past year. In 2021, the group saw aggregate revenue of $1.4T and poured money into high-growth [...]
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Secrets of Being A Great Startup CEO

Building a company is hard. Very hard. Even the most experienced operators, investors, and entrepreneurs fail. But for some, there is no other path other than being an entrepreneur. If that path is chosen, one must understand the secrets of being a great startup CEO to succeed. The fact is that MOST startups fail. But […]
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Why Raising a Growth Round Is Getting Much Harder

Ivan Nikkhoo, Managing Partner – Navigate Ventures | November 2020 Venture Capital is a fast-changing asset class. The value creation process inherent to venture capital changes with markets, availability and allocation of capital, sentiment, and overall market confidence. The needs and challenges of companies change from stage to stage, and the sources and uses of […]
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TenOneTen Podcast: Ivan Nikkhoo — Navigate Ventures

TenOneTen Podcast: Ivan Nikkhoo — Navigate Ventures

LA Venture Podcast Episode 197 - From fleeing revolution at 14 to shaping the future of B2B SaaS investments, Ivan's journey is nothing short of inspirational. Uncover secrets to startup success and the art of building a vibrant venture community.

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#19 Leveraging Venture Capital and SaaS Valuations

#19 Leveraging Venture Capital and SaaS Valuations

Join us in Wise Wealth’s latest episode featuring Ivan Nikkhoo, founder of Navigate Ventures, as he shares valuable insights on overcoming funding challenges outside Silicon Valley & understanding enterprise SaaS valuations.

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